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Beware! Man Buys Nokia Phone Filled with Fufu for N8,000 At Computer Village - Naija Info - ECHOnigeria

ECHOnigeria Forum / Naija Info / Beware! Man Buys Nokia Phone Filled with Fufu for N8,000 At Computer Village (1 Post | 430 Views)

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Beware! Man Buys Nokia Phone Filled with Fufu for N8,000 At Computer Village by baba55(m) : 11:29 pm

I love to write about how prexbloggers can escape from counterfeiters but this shared case is worst than cloning becsue you can still have what is cloned but totally lose phone that's packed with fufu.

A Nigerian Twitter user shared hilarious true life story of how he was scammed at Ikeja computer village with a white and warm, softly stirred fufu instead of the N8,000 Nokia phone he wanted to buy.

He shared the story in tweets, saying:

"I just saw a tweet where someone said the number of people that will make heaven in Computer Village, Ikeja is not up to 3. I agree. This is a sad thread on how I bought a phone and got a food item. 
"So, it was my second year in Unilag. I was gradually getting accustomed to the Lagos boy life after having migrated from Ilesha, in Osun State. 
"Year 1 law results had been released a few months before; your boy aced the exams and classmates looked at him like “e be like this boy sabi book o". 
"So it was time for me to flex my muscles as a incoming baby boy. Please note that my pocket money was 1k per week and I had to go from Yaba to National Bank in Oba Akran to with it. I spend around 200 on transport. So really, my weekly income was 800 naira. 
"Now, phone’s then we’re just plain. The ones that could store music were like some 30 seconds capacity and couldn’t take more than 10 songs. 
"Nokia had just released, I think the N97 or something and I was going to use it to scatter Faculty of Law, University of Lagos. Basically, in my mind, THEIR FATHER!!!. 
"So I saved up about 400 naira every week till I got like 6k, then I borrowed 4K from my cousin and headed to Computer village, Ikeja to buy the N97, second hand. Please note the new one was selling for about 90k at the time.  
"So I get there, straight up Met this guy (broken nose, bursted eyebrows, swollen lips, basically a signboard of trouble) who showed the exact phone I wanted for 10 thousand Naira. 
"I was so happy. My mind went straight to @Ms_Isioma and several classmates who would envy me for using such a big phone. Aye mi!. 
"We test the phone with my sim. It works perfectly. Now the story gan gan. The guy then tells me that the Police were around and we’re harassing them for doing business. So I should just put the money in his pocket and he will put the phone in mine. 
"I was like sure. Nigerian Police sha. Always disturbing the common man. I asked for a further discount, he agreed 8k (in my mind, I’ve saved a further 2k) and I put the cash in his pocket. He put the phone in mine. 
"Now, this is where I respected the guy. He stayed with me, chatted well, saw me off to the bus park and told me not to take out the phone until we have gone a distance. He shook my hand and our bus took off. 
"From Ikeja to Palmgroove, I didn’t take out the phone. When we got to Total, I took it out and tried to power it on. Ladies and gentlemen, the keypad kept going in. I was confused. The phone I tried in Ikeja had firm keypads. What’s happening. 
"So I thought to remove the cover and probably try to reinsert the battery, Lo and behold. I can still see the image of the very white and warm, softly stirred FUFU inside the phone. 
"My entire body temperature changed. I started sweating. My bowel moved. My head ached. My tummy swoll. My heart pounded. My veins turned green. My eyes watered. My legs itched. I got this amazing energy.  
"I told the bus driver to stop at Jibowu and I just started running. I couldn’t stop running. My legs tired, but i couldn’t stop. It seemed like my legs were the only part of my body still functioning and they worked for all other parts.  
"I had almost gotten to that Atan Cemetery side before I stopped for the first time (yes, from Jibowu). I looked at the phone with the hope that it would miraculously change from FUFU to at least a FONE. But it was still FUFU, I started running again.  
"I got to Unilag. Friends greeted me, I couldn’t answer. I was living at High-rise then, @Hermosa_Reinaa will remember very well.  I got home, showed to FUFU phone to Maxi (he was the one that borrowed me 4K) and he laughed ehn.  
"Since that day, when I go to Computer Village, if it’s not Uncle JJ’s shop, I don’t even answer basic greetings. Awon omo ale. And I can still vividly remember the guys face. And this was 2003. Anyway sha, have a good Saturday guys while you #LaughAtMyPain."

See screenshots of his tweets:


If you want to buy a smartphone, please make sure you go with a friend or family member that knows more about phone and avoid those who welcome you into their shop. Be smart and learn how to spot a fake phone.

Have you ever fallen a victim of buying a fake phone? What was your experience? Please share!

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