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DON'T GIVE UP - Naija Info - ECHOnigeria

ECHOnigeria Forum / Naija Info / DON'T GIVE UP (1 Post | 443 Views)

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DON'T GIVE UP by (: 12:12 pm

Sometimes your walk with Christ can become difficult and leave you simply wanting to give up. However, our study in Galatians today encourages us to do the opposite. Now is the time to plant seeds of faith to see a fruitful harvest of peace, hope, and love tomorrow. We learn our harvest will come to reality under one condition: that we don’t give up.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your faithfulness. I ask for the strength and grace to keep going in the good works you have called me to. Please help me to stay positive, hopeful, and encouraged. I love You. In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen.

Read Today’s Message;

Last week we discussed the struggle between the desires of our flesh to sin and the desire of the Spirit to do God’s will. This is a constant struggle for the Christian, one that seems impossible at times, and one that will leave you wanting to give up…which is why as we start chapter 6 of our study in Galatians today, Paul gives us this encouragement:

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians‬ 6:7-9‬ (NIV‬‬)

If we endure and don’t give up, we will reap a harvest of the fruits of the Spirit we discussed last week. As we continue to walk in the Spirit, the fruits will be a guaranteed byproduct. But it’s still a struggle. We will want to give up because it’s so much easier to operate in the works of the flesh than to trust God for the fruits of the Spirit.

A few videos ago we talked about Abraham, who God promised would be the father of many nations. We learned it was his faith that lead to his righteousness. We also learned he had his moments of leaning on his own strength as well. But overall, he did not give up on trusting in God, and he had one son that, as God promised, lead to many nations. It was his faith that lead to his harvest.

Joseph was sold into slavery, lied on, overlooked, and thrown into jail. Yet he still stayed faithful to God. Eventually he rose to be second in command to Pharaoh over all of Egypt. His faithfulness lead to his harvest. Your faith is a seed that will produce a harvest in your life. Not just one fruit, but many fruits. Choosing faith over your flesh is the harder thing to do, but it always grants the greatest reward. But only when we don’t give up.

What are you trusting God for today, Beloved? Strength to stay pure, a positive attitude when you’re not feeling well, the good words to say when you really want to tell someone off? Integrity and honor when it’s easier to cut corners? Ultimately, we all have a choice today: to plant a seed of faith and trust God with what we can’t do, or lean on our own strength and place our confidence in our flesh. Only one leads to the harvest we desire. But we can rest assured that no matter how hard it is, we will see that harvest if we don’t give up.

Now I want to hear from you today, Beloved. Please comment and let me know: what can you trust God with today for a fruitful harvest tomorrow? I can’t wait to chat more about it in the comments!

If you enjoyed today’s message be sure to share it with a friend because you never know who might need some Beloved encouragement today. I post new encouragement every week so be sure join Beloved to have my weekly devotion “Hello Beloved!” delivered directly to your inbox. As always, thank you so much for reading and until next time be beautiful, be blessed

[written by Christina Patterson, a wife and mom who encourages woman in the love of Jesus]

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